
Genesis Dentists

Veneers at Genesis Dentists, North Melbourne


Veneers are an esteemed cosmetic dental solution capable of transforming your smile. At Genesis Dentists, we offer tailor-made veneers to correct a range of dental flaws, such as chips, cracks, discolouration, and slight misalignments.

Types of Veneers


  • Porcelain Veneers: These are slender shells of premium porcelain, custom-fabricated to cover the front surface of your teeth. Porcelain veneers are celebrated for their strength, longevity, and authentic appearance.

  • Composite Veneers: Constructed from tooth-coloured resin, composite veneers are applied and shaped directly on the teeth. They are a more economical choice and can often be completed in just one appointment.

The Veneer Procedure


  • Initial Consultation: Our process begins with a detailed consultation to comprehend your aesthetic objectives and evaluate your suitability for veneers.

  • Treatment Planning: We craft a bespoke treatment plan, considering the veneers’ shape, size, and hue to enhance your overall smile and facial characteristics.

  • Tooth Preparation: Porcelain veneers necessitate slight removal of tooth enamel to accommodate the veneer. Composite veneers may need lesser or no tooth alteration.

  • Impressions and Fabrication: For porcelain veneers, we take impressions of your teeth, which are then sent to a dental laboratory where the veneers are meticulously made. Composite veneers are moulded directly onto your teeth.

  • Fitting and Adjustments: Once your porcelain veneers are prepared, they are accurately fitted, adjusted, and bonded to your teeth. Composite veneers are adjusted and polished during the procedure.

  • Final Review: We ensure your veneers fit comfortably and appear natural, making any required refinements.

Advantages of Veneers


  • Cosmetic Enhancement: Veneers offer a significant aesthetic improvement, resulting in a brighter, more even smile.

  • Durability: Both porcelain and composite veneers are robust and can endure many years with appropriate care.

  • Minimal Invasiveness: Veneers involve minimal modification of your natural teeth, offering a conservative approach to altering your smile.

  • Personalisation: Each set of veneers is individually designed, ensuring a natural and attractive outcome.

Caring for Your Veneers


Maintaining veneers involves practicing excellent oral hygiene, including consistent brushing, flossing, and regular dental examinations. We provide advice on caring for your veneers to maximise their longevity.

Book Your Veneer Consultation


Interested in exploring veneers? Reach out to Genesis Dentists for a consultation. We’ll guide you through each step, from the initial consultation to the final application, ensuring you achieve the radiant, confident smile you seek.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are custom made from a ceramic block. We work hard to make the veneers look natural and match the rest of your smile. We use local Australian cosmetic laboratories and premium ceramic to ensure the best quality materials.

Steps for porcelain veneers


Step 1:


Initial consultation where we listen to your wishes and your overall goals. We take digital photos and x-rays as well as impressions to plan your case. We then show you a digital preview of your potential smile and we can even test it in your mouth so you can see how the final result will look like.

Step 2:


When you are ready to proceed with the veneers, your teeth will be prepared which may or may not involve removing some enamel. The enamel removal is very minimal as we always try to preserve your natural teeth. Your teeth will then have temporary veneers placed while your permanent veneers are being customised.

Step 3:


The temporary veneers are taken off, and a trial fit of the porcelain veneers is done. Once we are all satisfied, the veneers are bonded with the latest adhesive systems.

Step 4:


Enjoy your beautiful new smile with your lovely new veneers!

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Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made from composite, the material that is also used for “white filling”. It can be a good option for cosmetic cases because it does not require much tooth removal. However, composite materials have some drawbacks, such as staining, chipping and wearing over time.

The steps for composite veneers are:

Step 1:

Initial consultation where we listen to your wishes and your overall goals. We take digital photos and x-rays as well as impressions to plan your case. We then show you a digital preview of your potential smile and we can even test it in your mouth so you can see how it will look like.

Step 2:

The teeth will be prepared, then the composite shaped onto your natural tooth structure. The composite is highly polished to give a shiny and natural finish.

Veneers FAQs

Dental veneers are bespoke, slim shells crafted to cover the front side of teeth, enhancing their visual appeal. These shells are adhered to the teeth, altering their colour, shape, size, or length. Veneers are a popular choice in cosmetic dentistry for creating an aesthetically pleasing smile.

Veneers are highly effective in addressing various dental flaws. They can rectify discolouration, mask chips or cracks, resolve misalignment or irregularities, and bridge gaps between teeth. By covering the teeth’s front surface, veneers create uniformity in shape, size, and colour, thus elevating the overall look of the smile.

Veneers are primarily made from porcelain and composite resin. Porcelain veneers are preferred for their long-lasting nature and realistic appearance, closely emulating the reflective properties of natural teeth. Composite resin veneers, while more affordable and requiring less enamel removal, may not have the same longevity as porcelain.

The lifespan of dental veneers varies with the material and maintenance. Porcelain veneers can last from 10 to 15 years or longer with proper care. Composite resin veneers typically last about 5 to 7 years. Proper oral hygiene and routine dental visits can prolong the life of both types of veneers.

Veneers are considered semi-permanent due to the need to remove a thin layer of tooth enamel for their application, a permanent alteration. Although veneers themselves may require replacement over time, the modification to the natural teeth is irreversible.

Applying veneers involves diagnosis, treatment planning, preparation, and bonding. During preparation, a small amount of enamel is removed to accommodate the veneer. Impressions are then taken for the custom fabrication of the veneers. Once ready, the veneers are bonded to the teeth with special cement, and a light is used to solidify the cement, securing the veneer in place.

Absolutely, veneers are an effective way to close gaps between teeth. By custom-sizing and shaping the veneers, dentists can achieve a more evenly spaced and aligned appearance, effectively reducing or eliminating spaces.

While veneers are a versatile cosmetic option, they may not be appropriate for everyone. Ideal candidates should have good oral health, adequate enamel, and specific aesthetic objectives. They are generally not recommended for those with significant dental problems. A consultation is vital to assess suitability, with alternatives like crowns or orthodontic treatments sometimes being more suitable.

Caring for veneers involves standard oral hygiene practices, similar to natural teeth. This includes regular brushing and flossing, as well as dental check-ups. Although veneers are stain-resistant, limiting stain-causing substances is advised. Also, it’s important to avoid using veneered teeth to bite hard objects to prevent damage.

A key advantage of veneers, particularly porcelain ones, is their ability to resemble natural teeth. They mimic the light-reflecting quality of tooth enamel and can be colour-matched to adjacent teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. The dentist’s expertise in shaping and placing the veneers is also crucial for a natural appearance.

The price of veneers at Genesis Dentists is influenced by factors such as the type of material (porcelain or composite), the number of veneers required, and the complexity of your case. Typically, porcelain veneers are more costly than composite ones. For specific pricing details and information on payment plans, we recommend discussing with your dentist.

The veneer procedure at our clinic is generally pain-free. Most patients report minimal discomfort. We use local anaesthesia to numb the treatment area, ensuring a comfortable experience. Some temporary sensitivity post-procedure is normal but typically resolves quickly.

Veneer placement at Genesis Dentists usually involves two to three visits. The initial visit is for consultation and planning, followed by a second visit for teeth preparation and impression taking. The final visit is for bonding the veneers. Occasionally, a follow-up appointment might be scheduled for a post-placement check-up.

Porcelain veneers are exceptionally resistant to staining and don’t discolor easily. Composite veneers, however, may be more susceptible to staining over time, similar to natural teeth. We advise limiting exposure to staining agents to maintain their appearance.

Veneers and crowns are dental restorations with different applications. Veneers cover only the tooth’s front surface and are primarily cosmetic. Crowns encapsulate the entire tooth and are used for both cosmetic and structural reasons, particularly for extensively damaged or decayed teeth.

Veneers are semi-permanent; the enamel removal during application is irreversible. However, they can be replaced if damaged or worn. Replacement involves removing the old veneer and creating a new one. With appropriate care, veneers can last many years before needing replacement.

Veneers are typically not covered by dental insurance as they are regarded as a cosmetic procedure. Exceptions may exist for restorative purposes. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider for coverage details. Many dental clinics, including ours, offer financing options for veneers.

Determining if veneers suit you depends on your dental condition and aesthetic desires. Ideal candidates have healthy teeth and gums but may have cosmetic issues like discolouration or minor misalignments. A consultation with our dental professionals is crucial to evaluate your oral health and discuss if veneers are the appropriate choice for you.

Veneers can address minor misalignments, giving teeth a straighter, more even look. However, they are not a replacement for orthodontic treatments and are unsuitable for correcting significant alignment problems. In such cases, orthodontic options are more suitable.

Teeth under veneers typically function normally. The enamel removal for veneers is permanent, making good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups essential to maintain the health of these teeth and the surrounding gums. Proper care reduces the risk of decay or gum disease impacting teeth with veneers.

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